Since being established in 1979, our restaurant has been loved by not only local people but also visitors from inside and outside the prefecture. Stamina Spaghetti has enjoyed high public reputation. Our restaurant is located on National Road 207, 800m north of Kashima Station. You will not miss the signboard of “Kazokutei”.
Restaurant Kazokutei
91-2 Tsunehiro, Kashima-shi, Saga-ken, Japan
11:30 am ~ 9:30 pm (OS 9:00 pm・Till 11:00 pm in the case of banquets)
Irregular holidays
Recommended dishes
Stamina Spaghetti
This dish is made by frying cabbage, beef and spaghetti, and pouring on them our original Japanese-style sauce. Eat it hot on a hot plate.
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