This is a nationally famous sake (Japanese liquor) festival where more than 80,000 tourists visit each year including overseas. In Kashima City, Saga Prefecture, sake brewing has been popular since long ago, and six sake breweries are producing sake in the city. Kashima Sake Brewery Tourism began as a result of the fact that one of them, Fukuchiyo Shuzo (sake brewery), won the world’s best champion sake in IWC (International Wine Challenge) in 2011. In this event, visitors go around the six sake breweries in Kashima City by free bus or on foot, and taste delicious Japanese sake and Shochu (traditional Japanese distilled spirit). In addition, many events are held in various places of the city such as Hizen Hamashuku and Yutoku Inari Shrine.
Kashima City Tourism Association +81-(0)954-62-3942
Division of Commerce and Tourism, Kashima City +81-(0)954-63-3412
(Inquiries of the day)
Kashima Bus Center 1F +81-(0)954-60-5145